Title: | Police Officer Recruits (Full-Time) |
ID: | 6219 |
Department: | Police |

Statesville Police Department
Hourly Rate: $19.39 (Annual Salary: $40,331.20)*
Application Deadline/Closing Date: May 19th 2023 at 5:00 PM
Physical & Written Testing: June 3rd 2023
Potential Start Date is August 2023 with City of Statesville & for BLET Program
The position of Police Officer Recruit is a recruiting and training-level job used for persons hired to learn the duties of a Police Officer with The City of Statesville Police Department. Individuals classified as a police recruit would meet all of the essential job functions and qualifications of the police officer role with the exception of Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) certification. Incumbents in this job class undergo a formal, comprehensive program in BLET. Upon successful completion of the BLET certification course, individuals would then be promoted to a role as a sworn police officer for the City of Statesville. Starting salary for sworn police officers is $20.36 per hour / $44,466.24 annually. Failure to graduate from BLET within the prescribed training period could be cause for termination (and may require repayment of BLET costs).
*Hourly Rate is $19.39 / $40,331.20 Annualized while in BLET school, then base pay of $44,466.24 after BLET is completed and starting on shift, with eligibility for pay incentives described below.
After completion of BLET and as a Sworn in Law Enforcement Officer eligible for the following:
- 5% Pay Increase after Successfully completing 6 month probationary period
- Other pay incentives including:
- Educational Incentives for work related degrees (3% for each degree level up to 9% maximum)
- Shift Differentials ($2.00/hr additional for night shift 6PM – 6AM, $1.00/hr for Mid Shift Noon to Midnight
- Specialized Unit Incentive Pay (5% Additional while assigned in specialized unit (SRT, K-9, CID, Traffic)
- Intermediate & Advance Law Enforcement Certification (6% Max)
- Specialized Training Certifications (6% Max)
- Bilingual Incentive Pay 5% Increase
- Take Home Vehicles – 30 miles from City Limits.
- Holiday Overtime Pay for eligible 12 hour shift employees - holiday overtime pay is in lieu of holiday time off and will be calculated at 1.5 times the employee's hourly rate and will be paid in the pay period the holiday falls. Employees are paid overtime pay if they are required to work on the holiday or not.
Every law enforcement officer employed by an agency in North Carolina shall:
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Be at least 20 years of age
- Be a high school graduate or have passed the General Educational Development Test indicating high school equivalency
- Be of good moral character
- Have successfully completed Base Law Enforcement Training (BLET) and passed the BLET state exam.
- Satisfactorily complete the employing agency’s in-service firearms training program
- Not have committed or been convicted of:
- A felony; or
- A crime for which the punishment could have been imprisonment for more than two years; or
- A crime or unlawful act defined as a “Class B misdemeanor” within the five-year period prior to the date of application for employment; or
- Four or more crimes or unlawful acts defined as “Class B misdemeanors” regardless of the date of conviction; or
- Four or more crimes or unlawful acts defined as “Class A misdemeanors” except the applicant may be employed if the last conviction occurred more than two years prior to the date of application for employment.
- Have been fingerprinted and a search made of local, state, and national files to disclose any criminal record.
- Have been examined and certified by a licensed physician or surgeon to meet the physical requirements necessary to properly fulfill the officer’s particular responsibilities and shall have produced a negative result on a drug screen.
- Have been administered a psychological screening examination by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist licensed to practice in North Carolina or by a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist authorized to practice in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Armed Forces within one year prior to employment by the employing agency to determine the officer’s mental and emotional suitability to properly fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
- Have been interviewed personally by the Department head or a representative to determine such things as the applicant’s appearance, demeanor, attitude, and ability to communicate.
- Notify the Standards Division of all criminal offenses which the officer is arrested for or charged with, pleads no contest to, pleads guilty to or is found guilty of. This shall include all criminal offenses except minor traffic offenses and shall specifically include any offense of Driving Under The Influence (DUI) or Driving While Impaired (DWI). A minor traffic offense is defined as an offense where the maximum punishment allowable by law is 60 days or less.
Equal Opportunity Employer